MyFourThirds.com (affectionately referred to by members as MFT), is a website dedicated to the community of users of Four Thirds photographic equipment; which at this point in time encompasses Olympus and Panasonic cameras. As it's an open standard format, more camera manufacturers may (hopefully) start using the system in the future. A big advantage is that the lenses and cameras are interchangeable across the 4/3rds platform. For example you can use Panasonic lenses on Olympus bodies and vice versa. As both companies make great lenses, Zuiko by Olympus and Leica by Panasonic, the mix and match opportunities are exciting. In case you are wondering what Four Thirds (or 4/3rds) is, well, it is arguably the most ideal digital SLR system. By pursuing the optimum relationship between image sensor size and lens mount size, the Four Thirds system successfully combines higher image quality along with compactness compared to cameras based on the traditional 35mm film size (e.g. Canon, Nikon etc). When the Four Thirds system was designed, special care was taken to avoid the historic problems of the 35mm film format and achieve the optimum balance between high picture quality and compact size, i.e. design a digital system from scratch rather than making do with what had evolved over time for the traditional film camera. The 4/3-type image sensor that resulted from this quest is where the Four Thirds system gets its name.